
>Carr-lane Clamp - CL-61-HDC-211
Automotive clamp - modular - ha

This Carr-lane Clamp - CL-61-HDC-211 is available in the market. The Carr-lane Clamp - CL-61-HDC-211 is a Automotive clamp - modular - ha. We suggest to use the alternative HV-70-HA

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Anemo Engineering is able to offer you the alternative to Carr-lane clamp as Factory New. Picture shown can be different to actual model. Please inform us the quantity required to receive a quote. Carr-Lane is a registered trademark. It’s use does not imply any endorsement or certification by Carr-lane, of Anemo products, or any affiliation between Carr-lane and Anemo. Some part references we show are legacy in nature and we reserve the right to quote appropriate alternatives where required. Our quotations will make this clear.